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Karibu (Welcome)!

Welcome to our blog! This blog is run by students of Albion Heights Junior Middle School, and will help to connect with their sister school in Kenya.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tuesday April 6, 2010

Dear friend at Ngeya school

I have a big sister. She is 21 years old. I have a mom and dad and a dog. We have lots of fun. I have 12 cousins and 20 uncles and ants I am from Florida that is in America.

My family is from Florida. It is lots of fun to go there because you can go surfing, swimming and collecting shells. I go to church every Sunday with my family. My family celebrates Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving.

My school is called Albion Heights JMS and I like to build Lego with my friends. I like to play football. I am in grade 5. I like to do math because I like to count number.

I like to play Xbox at home and once a month my friend and I go fishing.



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