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Karibu (Welcome)!

Welcome to our blog! This blog is run by students of Albion Heights Junior Middle School, and will help to connect with their sister school in Kenya.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dear friend at Ngeya School,
My name is Matthew. I have a family. I have one brother, a mom and a dad. They are my family. My mom likes to be pretty. My brother is awesome. My family was born in Guyana. I was born in Canada.
I like to play on the computer and I like to play Lego. My favorite game on the computer is John Cena Goes for the Goal. John Cena has to get the world heave weight championship. John Cena is a wrestler. I like to play Bakugan. I like to watch Bakugan and Pokemon on TV. Bakugan is a game where you throw and battle creatures. If you find a talking Bakugan you are awesome.

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