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Karibu (Welcome)!

Welcome to our blog! This blog is run by students of Albion Heights Junior Middle School, and will help to connect with their sister school in Kenya.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Olympic News at Albion Heights!

The Olympic torch will be carried by one of the teachers from our school! On Friday, November 27, Ms. McCormack will run with the Olympic torch through her hometown of Blackville, New Brunswick. Ms. McCormack was chosen as a torch runner because she is a former Olympian, playing with the silver medal Canadian women's hockey team at the Nagano Olympics in 1998! Go Ms. McCormack!
For more information, check out this link: http://tdsbweb/MediaRoom/tdsbwebRoom.asp?show=allNews&view=detailed&enableNav=true&self=22386

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's exciting! Over here in Vancouver we're preparing to receive the Olympics... with lots of dicussion about the costs & benefits.

    Have you folks see your sister-school's newsletter yet? check it out at
