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Karibu (Welcome)!

Welcome to our blog! This blog is run by students of Albion Heights Junior Middle School, and will help to connect with their sister school in Kenya.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Girls Volleyball Team

Hey Kenya,
How are you all? Well, Albion Heights is doing just fine. If you haven't heard, Haiti was hit by an earthquake and many people died. The people who lost their family members really need everybody's help. So, we have decided to raise money to help Haiti by having a bake sale at our school. We have asked the students to bring some desserts like cookies and cakes to sell at the bake sale. Also we have asked the students to have a dress down day on friday, IF they donate $1 the students don't have to wear their uniforms, they can wear anything they want. All the money goes to earthquake relief in Haiti.
Hope you write back,
Albion Heights